01-01-16 to 02-29-16

2016 Activities

January, 2016

1-2-16 PG scheduled appointments with veterans for week of 1-4-16. PG & HH continued website development and finalized VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND flyer.

1-3-16 HH & PG updated VPCSC flow charts & website.

1-4-16 HH & PG:

  • Wichita Vet Center – Howard Hutchison and James Gibson, LMSW/Team Leader signed MOU for Howard to start utilizing office space at the Vet Center on Friday afternoons. Gave James, Brad and Timmy invitations to next VPCSC meeting, new flow charts and Vet-to-Vet Support Command flyer.
  • Salvation Army – Presented VPCSC Certification of Affiliation to Aaron Lovelady, SSVF Kansas Peer Mentor; gave him invitation to next VPCSC meeting and Vet-to-Vet Support Command flyer. Went to see a female veteran who works at Salvation Army…she was away from her desk.
  • Visited veteran # 1 who interested in Vet-to-Vet Support Command and his family member, both expressing concerns about the veteran’s reduction in pain medication which is resulting in him not having enough to get through the month when taken as prescribed.
  • Went by to see veteran # 2 who was not home.
  • Spoke to a family member of veteran # 3 interested in Vet-to-Vet Support Command.
  • Spoke to & scheduled meeting with female veteran # 4 who is interested in being involved in the Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative.
  • Spoke to female veteran # 5 who is interested in participating in the Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative.
  • Spoke to veteran # 6 interested in being a volunteer in the Vet-to-Vet Command Support initiative who recommended a friend to consider also being involved.
  • Visited veteran # 7 who expressed concerns about the reduction of his pain medications.
  • Spoke to female veteran # 8 who is interested in being in the Vet-to-Vet Support Command.
  • Inter-Faith Ministries:
    • Visit with Anne Corriston, Executive Director about possibly leasing office space at IFM.
    • Visit with Sandy Swank, Case Manager about partnership with VPCSC & VVSC.
    • Visit with Mitch from Advocates to End Chronic Homelessness (AECH), who provides basic necessities to homeless individuals, including veterans.

1-5-16 HH & PG:

  • United Methodist Open Door – Outreach to homeless veterans.
  • Howard presented Breakthrough Club members and Executive Director, Barb Andres with VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation. Their award was received by an Army veteran who is an excellent candidate for the Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division. Amber McAnulla, their WSU MSW practicum student and a veteran will bring a group of BTC members, in particular veterans, to the VPCSC meeting on Jan. 22.
  • Met with female veteran about the Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative.
  • Went by First United Methodist Church to see Pastor Kent.
  • Met with Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc. – Jamie Wohlgemuth, Executive Director, Aubrey Wohlgemuth and Tristan Wohlgemuth. Aubrey will be working as a student intern for the VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division.
  • Met with Neil Fogg, Organizational Development Consultant with his Master’s degree from Friends University about preparation for VPCSC meeting and discussion about revamping/updating VPCSC presentation.
  • Attended Advocates to End Chronic Homelessness (AECH) meeting at Inter-Faith Ministries as representatives of veteran services.

HH led “Survivors” group at Project Independence, Inc.

1-6-16 HH & PG:

  • United Way volunteer manager’s meeting – gave community agencies invitations to upcoming VPCSC meeting.
  • At the United Way volunteer manager’s meeting – Connected with female veteran interested in Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative.
  • Visited Hartman Oil Company with information about the Veteran Providers’ Coalition of Sedgwick County, an invitation to the VPCSC meeting and an inquiry to meet with Mr. Wink Hartman.

1-7-16 HH & PG:

Visits at Robert J. Dole VAMC:

  • Delivered packets with VPCSC meeting invitation, partner flow charts and Vet-To-Vet Support Command flyer to:
  • VAMC Director Francisco Vazquez and John Orrell, VA Public Relations Officer.
  • Disabled American Veterans (DAV) – office staff.
  • Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) – Dianna Stever, Accredited Representative.
  • VA Regional Office – Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to Barbara Hardyway, Director, VA Regional Office. She recommended that Mr. Hutchison research and look into inquiring about being a presenter at the National Homeless Veteran Coalition Conference in Washington D.C. to highlight the work of the Veteran Providers’ Coalition of Sedgwick County (VPCSC). Barbara gave Howard information from last year’s national conference and Kansas conference; she also offered to be of assistance by contacting key individuals in Washington D.C.
  • Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) – David Kennedy, VFW State Assistant Service Officer, Dept. of Kansas.
  • American Legion (AL) – David Koopmans and Cloyce Smith, Veterans’ Affairs Representatives.

Spoke with potential funder for Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative.

Met with Jamie Wohlgemuth, Executive Director and Aubrey Wohlgemuth from Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc. and presented them with their VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation.

1-8-16 HH & PG – Met with Pat Hanrahan, President of the United Way of the Plains with an invitation to VPCSC meeting on Jan. 22, information about the coalition, Vet-to-Vet Support Command and the overall needs of veterans in our community. Discussion included continued and new partnerships among community veteran and VA providers.

PG met with Becky Springer, United Way Volunteer Coordinator, and called Jamie Wohlgemuth, Executive Director of Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc. to set up a kickoff event for a volunteer group of youth during Youth Days of Caring over spring break the week of March 14, 2016. Jamie will send Becky their 501(c)3 documentation and Becky will include Cloud 9 on the United Way’s 211 information and set them up to utilize the United Way GIV warehouse for needed items.

Kansas Workforce Center – visit with James Riley, Brandi Wright, Thom Hamilton and Casey McElwain about upcoming VPCSC meeting and Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative.

HH – Office hours and veteran outreach at the Wichita Vet Center. Worked on VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiative with PG.

1-9-16 HH & PG attended the Sedgwick County Black Republican Council (SCBRC) meeting for a debriefing of their 6th Annual Banquet where Jamie Wohlgemuth, Executive Director and Aubrey Wohlgemuth from Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc., (nominated by Howard), received an award for their service to disabled youth in our community.

1-11-16 HH & PG:

  • Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) meeting at COMCARE. HH invited 18 attendees to the VPCSC meeting on Jan. 22.
  • Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to:
  • American Veterans (AMVETS) – Gene McCreight, National Service Officer.
  • The Military Order of the Purple Heart – Michelle Edwards-Baxter, National Service Officer.
  • Hand delivered VPCSC meeting invitation to Betsy McCosh, LSW – Spinal Cord Injury at VAMC and Lance, VA Peer Support Specialist.
  • Brief visit with David Koopmans, National Service Officer with American Legion.
  • Met with SSGT Sean Smith, Wounded Warrior Regiment, District Injured Support Coordinator (DISC) at Robert J. Dole VAMC about VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division initiatives. Invited him to VPCSC meeting. (Thank you Betsy McCosh, LSW for introducing us to Sean who is an outstanding resource.)

PG met briefly with Brandi Wright, U.S. Marines veteran and member of VPCSC at Kansas Workforce Center.

Received 501(c)3 determination letter of approval from IRS for VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND, INC. PG spoke to several Vet-to-Vet Support Command supporters with the great news!

1-12-16 HH & PG:

  • Aubrey Wohlgemuth’s (Cloud 9) first day serving as a student intern for VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
  • Installation of Karen A. Townsend, new Director of Robert J. Dole VA Regional Office in VA Auditorium.
    • Met and visited with Karen Townsend about VPCSC, invited her to our meeting on Jan. 22 (she plans to be in attendance) and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. Director Townsend said that she would like to have us attend a VA Regional Office staff meeting to inform their staff of our services to veterans and further promote our partnership with the VA Regional Office.
    • Visited with Barbara Hardyway, Homeless Veterans Coordinator at the VA Regional Office, located at the Robert J. Dole VAMC
    • Visited with David Kennedy, VFW National Service Officer and scheduled a site visit for him to tour Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation Inc. as the VFW moves forward in partnering with Cloud 9 who provides free therapeutic riding for veterans.
    • Visited with Gene McCreight, AMVETS National Service Officer, who informed us a veteran he is serving is interested in participating in the Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division and will be contacting Patty or Hutch.
    • HH distributed invitations to VPCSC meeting to various attendees.
  • Contacted potential funder of Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. with news of 501(c)3 approval.
  • Touched base with Anne Corriston, Executive Director of Inter-Faith Ministries regarding leasing office space.
  • Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to Lisa Bowers on behalf of Dong S. Kim, Community Readiness Consultant, at the Airman and Family Readiness Center at McConnell Air Force Base. HH will debrief at the next TAPS class on January 25, representing the VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division.
  • Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to Pastor Kent at First United Methodist Church, host site for VPCSC meetings. Also visited with Leslie, their First Connections Coordinator. They are interested in enhancing our partnership to include more involvement with veterans and civilians in their congregation, serving veterans beyond their walls and having HH & PG actively participate in promoting the activities of the Coalition and Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division. Ideas include co-hosting a special event over the 4th of July or Veterans’ Day, making presentations to the congregation and inviting their members to engage and invest in our initiatives.
  • Attended Continuum of Care (CoC) meeting at United Way.
    • Visited with Barbara Hardyway, Homeless Veterans Coordinator at VA Regional Office – she said that Karen Townsend, Director of the VA Regional office was looking forward to working in tandem with the VPCSC as part of their mission to better serve veterans.
    • Discussion included the Mini Stand-downwhich will be held in the VA Auditorium on Jan. 15 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Visited with Becky Springer, Volunteer Coordinator at United Way, about Cloud 9 hosting a volunteer group during Youth Days of Caring during spring break (fyi – the University of Illinois group had already accepted another volunteer opportunity).
  • Visited with Mark Stump, Director of Direct Services at United Way regarding the 501(c)3 approval for Vet-to-Vet Support Command and Cloud 9 and Vet-to-Vet Support Command utilizing the United Way GIV Warehouse.
  • Let Pat Hanrahan, President of the United Way of the Plains, know that Vet-to-Vet Support Command received 501(c)3 approval status from the IRS.
  • “Survivors” group at Project Independence with guests Jamie, Aubrey and Elizabeth Wohlgemuth from Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc. who offered to host an event for members of Project Independence to go out to the ranch for riding and other fun activities in the spring or summer.

1-13-16 HH & PG:

  • Met with Brad, owner of Alpha 1 Drop Zone with personal invitation to attend VPCSC meeting.
  • Visited with young veteran who is interested in joining the Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
  • Met with Gene McCreight, AMVETS National Service Officer/TEAM RWB Captain and discussed external and internal networking opportunities to serve veterans.
  • Touched base with David Kennedy, VFW National Service Officer, about developing partnership with Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc., confirming his site visit to the ranch on 1-15-16.
  • Visited with a young veteran who is interested in joining the Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division.

1-14-16 HH & PG:

  • Met with Mr. Francisco Vazquez, Facility Director of the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center, confirming his guest speaking engagement at the VPCSC meeting on January 22 at First UMC from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Howard informed Mr. Vazquez that members of the Wichita Police Department H.O.T. Team will be in attendance.
  • Visited with Laura Pfeiffer, RN, BSN, MHCL Rural Health Program Manager, Robert J. Dole VAMC who will be in attendance at VPCSC meeting and offered to donate some bags of items for veterans served through VPCSC providers; PG & HH will pick up 10 bags for distribution to veterans in need.
  • Met with Steve Gonzales, Public Relations Director of Alpha 1 Drop Zone regarding the VPCSC and veteran providers’ involvement in 2016 special events and vice versa. Steve graciously offered his assistance in helping secure food sponsors for VPCSC meetings. Thank you Steve!
  • Visited Wink Hartman’s office regarding being a food sponsor for VPCSC meeting.

1-15-16 PG – Attended Mini Stand-Down for homeless veterans in VA Auditorium, a well organized event by Melissa Groneau, VA HUD-VASH Social Work Case Manager.

PG networked with, gave printed VPCSC meeting invitations and information on new Vet-to-Vet Support Command Division to:

  • Stacia Lyday and Brad Webster, Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) coordinator/representatives, who will be in attendance at the VPCSC meeting, along with Shakura, Director of VUB and Shondella, VUB coordinator/representative. PG spoke to Shakura, Director of VUB and scheduled a meeting with their team for 1-20-16.
  • Barbara Hardyway and Jean, VA Regional Office, who will be in attendance at the VPCSC meeting.
  • James Riley and Casey, Wichita Workforce Center – PG presented James Riley with their VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation.
  • Melissa Gomez, Catholic Charities, SSVF – scheduled a meeting with her for 1-18-16 at Catholic Charities.
  • Vicki McDaniels and Aaron Lovelady, Salvation Army, SSVF, who will be in attendance at the VPCSC meeting.
  • Ashley, Mental Health Association
  • Melissa Groneau, Courtney Trea-Reins and Jeremy, VA HUD-VASH
  • Kay Watkins, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), who will be in attendance at the VPCSC meeting.

HH – Office hours and veteran outreach at the Wichita Vet Center.

PG & HH spoke to Sarah Sell, Director of Veteran Services at Wichita State University and scheduled a meeting with her and the new WSU VSO President, Erin, for 1-20-16.

HH & PG: Received call from David Koopmans, National Service Officer, American Legion VSO at the VA regarding a homeless veteran who needed a place to stay that night. PG and HH left messages with two homeless providers for availability information and guidance. Spoke to the veteran who was experiencing high anxiety about staying in a homeless shelter, but after visiting with Howard he calmed down about the situation and asked to meet with Howard for assistance and guidance. HH went to the Lord’s Diner and Inter-Faith Ministries to meet with him, then connecting at the Warming Souls Emergency Winter Overflow Men’s Shelter. Howard will stay in touch with this veteran in his recovery process as he navigates the VA system.


Being on the board of directors for Project Independence, Inc. and long standing member, HH and Patty being a grant writer, as a VPCSC member organization, they worked with Rene Strunk, Executive Director and Tina, Assistant Executive Director with their case for support preparation and documentation for future funding proposals.

Worked on funding proposal for Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.

1-19-16 HH & PG:

  • UMOD Veteran Outreach – met with homeless veteran regarding his needs and progress.
  • Delivered a VPCSC meeting invitation to Eric Kidwell, Attorney at Law.j
  • Delivered VPCSC meeting invitation/reminder to Mayor Jeff Longwell and City Commissioners.
  • Spoke with Karl Peterjohn, County Commissioner about the VPCSC meeting.
  • Karl Peterjohn introduced Howard and Patty to Mike Scholes, Wichita’s new County Manager, who Howard invited to attend the VPCSC meeting.
  • Spoke to Marsha, Executive Director of the Wichita Non-Profit Chamber of Commerce regarding becoming members and details about their upcoming conference.
  • Wichita Chamber of Commerce – met with Pat Gallager, military representative working with McConnell AFB and invited her to attend the VPCSC meeting.
  • Visited and delivered VPCSC meeting invitation to DAV headquarters for Commander Ken Gile.
  • Meeting with Steve Gonzales, VP Marketing & Community Relations at Alpha 1 Drop Zone regarding technicalities concerning marketing strategies. Invited Steve to be a member of the Vet-to-Vet Support Command Advisory Board, which he accepted.
  • Met with banker regarding setting up business account for Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.

HH, PG & Aubrey (student intern):

  • Visited VFW Memorial Post 3115, Post Commander John Herrman, invited him to the VPCSC meeting, which he plans to attend.
  • Visited American Legion Post 256, Post Commander & 5th District Vice Commander Rick Lowrey and Mary Lynch-Clay, Post Adjutant & Past Service Officer. Invited them to the VPCSC meeting, which they will be attending.
  • Met with Jamie Wohlgemuth, President of Cloud 9 regarding non-profit documentation and processes.

1-20-16 HH & PG:

  • AMVETS office for a meeting with Gene McCreight, AMVETS National Service Officer/Wichita TEAM RWB representative.
  • Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) – Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to VUB Team.
  • Vet Center at WSU – Present VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation.
  • Met with banker to set up business account for Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
  • 1-21-16 HH visited with Jan Roberts, Local Recovery Coordinator, Melissa Gronau, Homeless Veterans Case Manager and Donna Cox, Administrative Assistant in Behavioral Health at the Robert J. Dole VAMC.
  • Went to lawyer’s office regarding veterans’ issues.

1-22-16 HH & PG: Community Crisis Center (CCC) meeting at COMCARE.

OUTSTANDING VPCSC meeting with 60 attendees consisting of veteran service providers, veterans, elected officials and community stakeholders. Mr. Francisco Vazquez gave an in-depth overview of VA services newly formed “Wichita My VA Community” program that will foster relationships between the VA and community based veteran service providers. Attendees included three Post Commanders from local VFW and American Legion Posts and Mr. Mike Scholes, our new County Manager. Howard presented Mr. Francisco Vazquez, Robert J. Dole Medical Center Director with an Honorary VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation, marking the most recent of 30 certificate awards given to veteran service providers in the coalition over the last month.

1-23-16 HH & PG met with Neil Fogg, pro bono consultant for VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.

1-25-16 HH & PG spoke at the TAPS (Transitioning Airmen Preparedness) program at McConnell AFB, informing transitioning airmen about community service providers, the VPCSC, Veterans Behavioral Health Advocacy Council and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.

Met with two members of the community about VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. about ways to make additional connections through their resources.


  • PG met with Andy Mills, Homeless Services Director at United Methodist Open Door regarding an MOU between UMOD and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
  • HH & PG met with John Orrell, Public Relations Officer, Robert J. Dole VAMC.
  • Worked with Aubrey, student intern.
  • Spoke with Neil Phogg, Consultant.
  • Communication with female veteran.
  • Spoke to Steve Gonzales, Alpha 1 Drop Zone, Marketing and Public Relations. Regarding Veteran’s Awareness Day.
  • HH led self-help group at Project Independence, Inc.

1-27-16 HH & PG met with John Orrell, Public Relations Director regarding the well attended VPCSC meeting and the bright future of the VPCSC.

PG helped with set up and networked with veteran service providers at Century II in preparation for the Point In Time Homeless Count on 1-28-16.

1-28-16 HH & PG hosted an information table for VPCSC at the Point In Time Homeless Count at Century II, visited with homeless veterans, offering them information about the VPCSC, member providers & tickets to a free Thunder Hockey game on Feb. 21. Networked with:

  • Barbara Hardyway, Homeless Veterans Coordinator at the VA Regional Office
  • Karen Townsend, Director of VA Regional Office at the Robert J. Dole VAMC
  • Aaron Lovelady and Vicki McDaniels – Salvation Army SSVF
  • Members of Advocates to End Chronic Homelessness (AECH)
  • Deann Smith, Executive Director United Methodist Open Door (UMOD)
  • Brad Webster, Stacia Lyday & Shondella from Veterans Upward Bound (VUB)
  • Donna Chandler, President of Shalom Homes, Inc. … HH presented Donna with their VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation
  • Beth Oaks, United Way
  • Women’s Auxilliary of VFW Post 3115
  • Melissa Gomez – Catholic Charities, SSVF
  • Andy Mills – UMOD

PG invited attending VPCSC providers to attend a free Thunder Hockey game on Feb. 21 and sit together as a “team building” event.

1-29-16 HH – office time at the Wichita Vet Center, working with PG on veteran initiatives.

1-30-16 PG & HH met with accountant.

February, 2016

2-1-16 Conducted research to support veterans.

2-2-16 HH & PG:

  • United Methodist Open Door Outreach & presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to Deann Smith, Executive Director of UMOD.
  • PG spoke to Ashley at First UMC to confirm next VPCSC meeting which will be Friday, February 26 at Noon.
  • PG spoke to Tammy Fields, Executive Administrative Assistance to Pastor Kent Rogers at First UMC regarding upcoming meeting on Feb. 9 regarding homelessness and will send her contact information to send invitation to various providers who serve our homeless neighbors.
  • Hutch met with and took a veteran to file his disability claim with David Koopmans, National Service Officer with The American Legion in Building 61 at the Robert J. Dole VAMC.
  • Hutch spoke briefly to Director Francisco Vazquez at the Robert J. Dole VAMC who thanked Howard for the thoughtful thank you note he received from Howard for being a guest speaker at our VPCSC meeting and supporting our veterans.
  • Lunch meeting with new Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. Advisory Board Chairman.
  • Worked with Jamie, Aubrey and Tristan Wohlgemuth on veteran related initiatives.
  • PG spoke to Steve Gonzales, Alpha 1 Drop Zone, Marketing and Public Relations to schedule upcoming VPCSC Planning Committee meeting for February 16.
  • PG spoke to Brad Webster, Program Specialist – Veterans Upward Bound, inviting him to VPCSC Planning Committee meeting.
  • HH led self-help group at Project Independence, Inc.

2-3-16 HH & PG: Attended Volunteer Managers’ Meeting at United Way – with Jamie Wohlgemuth, Executive Director and Tristan Wohlgemuth of Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation. Networked with various agency representatives. PG gave input on community resources that would be helpful to several agencies with regards to volunteerism and services.

2-4-16 PG & HH worked on funding proposals; spoke with potential board members and female veteran interested in the Vet-to-
Vet Support Command program.

2-5-16 PG & HH met with VPCSC & Vet-to-Vet Support Command supporter.

Hutch MOU @ the Wichita Vet Center.

PG picked up free reserved tickets at Intrust Arena for Thunder Hockey game on Sunday, Feb. 21st for VPCSC providers and their families/guests as a social networking opportunity.

2-6-16 HH & PG worked on VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiatives.

Matt Kiddo, Wichita Team RWB, contacted PG wanting to meet about a model for their Eagle Buddy program.

2-8- 16 HH & PG:

  • Debriefed 17 service members in TAPS – McConnell AFB regarding VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
  • Meeting with Vet-to-Vet Support Command supporter.
  • Grant meeting at Project Independence, Inc.

2-9-16 HH & PG:

  • Community meeting & conversation at First UMC led by Pastor Kent Rogers regarding our homeless neighbors with representatives from agencies that provide homeless services. PG & HH made special invitations to Vickie McDaniels and Aaron Lovelady from Salvation Army, Melissa Gomez from Catholic Charities, Jamie Wohlgemuth of Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation and Soutdaly Sysavath from the Wichita Children’s Home. The community’s response has been so positive that Teresa Fields at First UMC needed to book a bigger meeting space!
  • PG – distributed free Thunder Hockey tickets to Veteran Providers for team-building community outing.
  • Veteran’s Awareness special event planning meeting with Steve Gonzales at Alpha 1 Drop Zone.
  • HH – Led self-help support group at Project Independence, Inc.

2-10-16 HH – meeting with Mr. Francisco Vazquez, Facility Director of the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center.

2-11-16 HH & PG – TRIO Celebration Day Dinner & Program, support of Veterans Upward Bound, at WSU, RSC Ballroom. Visited with Michael Kinard, Chairman of Wichita My VA Community Council.

2-12-16 HH & PG:

  • Suicide Prevention meeting at COMCARE.
  • Interacted with female veteran who is promoting other female veterans to attend VPCSC meetings and participate in Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
  • Hutch MOU @ Wichita Vet Center. Received referral and went to visit disabled veteran at his apartment who is needing assistance. He was also given information about the Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. program.
  • PG contacted potential food sponsor for VPCSC meetings.

2-15-16 HH & PG worked on funding proposals.

Met with Brad Webster, Program Specialist, Veterans Upward Bound.

2-16-16 HH & PG:

  • PG – Purchased P.O. Box for non-profit.
  • PG – Met with Angie Burnham and Thom Hamilton at Workforce Center, re: Distribution of VPCSC & Veterans’ Event Free Thunder Hockey game on 2-21-16.
  • VPCSC Planning Committee Meeting at Alpha 1 Drop Zone – Members: Howard C. Hutchison, Patty Gnefkow, Steve Gonzales, Brad Webster, Jamie/Aubrey/Tristan Wohlgemuth.
  • PG & Aubrey – picked up additional free tickets for VPCSC & Veterans’ Event Free Thunder Hockey game on 2-21-16
  • Meeting with Executive Team members of Wichita Team RWB regarding Eagle Buddy program.
  • AECH meeting – Advocates to End Chronic Homelessness meeting at Inter-Faith Ministries

2-17-16 HH & PG:

  • Wichita My VA Community meeting at Robert J. Dole VAMC.
  • Hutch discussed helping Martin Byrne with a 501c3. (“Citizen Soldier, Bird’s Eye View.”)
  • Met with David Kennedy, VFW State Assistance Service Officer.
  • PG met with David Koopmans, American Legion National Service Officer.
  • PG met with a veteran at the American Legion office at the VA.
  • HH – Received referral from American Legion VSO to connect veteran with resources.

2-18-16 HH met with Mike Gillett, AW2 and a veteran who needs help.

HH & PG – Civic Engagement Workshop at Kansas Leadership Center…Lamont Anderson from Sedgwick County Black Republican Council (SCBRC) will be on their speakers’ panel.

2-19-16 HH & PG – Grant meeting for Project Independence, Inc. at WSU

Hutch MOU @ – Wichita Vet Center

2-20-16 HH & PG lunch with Judge Phil Journey, discussed VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.


2-21-16 VPCSC Providers, their families and veterans going to a free Thunder Hockey game provided by Credit Union of America at Intrust Arena.

2-22-16 HH & PG spoke at the TAPS (Transitioning Airmen Preparedness) program at McConnell AFB, informing transitioning airmen about community service providers, the VPCSC, Veterans Behavioral Health Advocacy Council and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.

Met with Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. volunteer and supporter.

HH received referral call from Wichita Vet Center for veteran needing community services.

2-23-16 HH & PG:

  • UMOD Outreach & Support for homeless veterans.
  • Work with Aubrey and Tristan, student interns, on VPCSC & Vet-to-Vet Support Command initiatives.
  • PG – follow up on VPCSC food sponsor
  • HH – self-help support group at Project Independence, Inc.

2-24-16 HH advocated for a veteran preparing for a job interview at the VA. PG visited with 2 veterans.

2-25-16 Attendees from VPCSC – HH, & PG and representatives from WSU SVO, Veterans Upward Bound, Workforce and McConnell AFB attended special presentation, “Veterans in Our Classrooms: Understanding and Supporting Our Returning Warriors: The Untold Stories,” with guest speaker Dr. Michael Bermes, Special Assistant to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and Senior Program Advisor for Community Health Integration, USMC. At the event, PG & HH visited with 2 female veterans; Brien L. Bolin, PhD, MSW, Professor and Director, School of Social Work, WSU; and Jeremiah G. Raymo, LMSW, Director of Psychological Health, 931st Air Refueling Group, USAF Reserves, McConnell AFB about VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.

PG & HH received calls from 2 veterans.

2-26-16 VPCSC meeting (Noon) at First UMC. Program presentations by Veterans Upward Bound (VUB), Brad Webster, Program Specialist & Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, Inc., Jamie Wohlgemuth, President.

HH & PG – meeting with Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. supporter.

2-28-16 Wichita Team RWB Leadership meeting with 12 members…presentation by HH & PG on VPCSC and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc. regarding partnering / referral exchange between Wichita Team RWB and Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.