November, 2015
11-13-15 HH met with Mayor Jeff Longwell, updating him on the VPCSC activities, pending 501(c)3 status and invited him to attend the upcoming Sedgwick County Black Republican Council (SCBRC) 6th annual banquet on December 12 which will be honoring Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine, a VPCSC affiliate.
11-20-15 VPCSC meeting with 26 in attendance at 1st United Methodist Church. Sharing of veteran service programs and organizations, veteran concerns and upcoming events. (Tentative: Small group meeting at Alpha 1 Drop Zone in December, focusing on developing a VPCSC Planning Committee.)
- HH met with James Gibson, Team Leader, Brad Gifford, Readjustment Counseling Technician and Timmy Hamilton, Readjustment Counseling Services Outreach Specialist at the Wichita Vet Center regarding moving forward with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Howard Hutchison, Chairman of VBHAC & Convener of VPCSC and the Wichita Vet Center. PG attended as a guest of Mr. Hutchison.
- HH & PG went by Salvation Army to visit with Aaron Lovelady and/or Vickie McDaniels with SSVF Program, who were both out working in the field.
- HH & PG met with Timmy Garvey regarding the ongoing development and future endeavors of the VPCSC.
11-27-15 HH met with various community leaders on a daily/weekly basis.
December, 2015
12-5-15 HH & PG hosted VPCSC booth at All-Indian Center event: “Indians in Aviation” movie showing.
Matt Kiddo, Community Outreach Director, Wichita TEAM RWB approached PG about RWB Eagle Buddy program & invited her and HH to meet with their executive team on 12-9-15 at the Cantene Café at VA to discuss.
12-6-15 HH & PG – 501(c)3 application process; website development.
- HH & PG: worked on 501c3 non-profit status.
- Met with Vet Center representatives James Gibson, Team Leader, Brad Gifford, Readjustment Counseling Technician and Timmy Hamilton, Readjustment Counseling Services Outreach Specialist and received paperwork for pending MOU between the Vet Center and Howard Hutchison.
- Visited United Way and touched base with Luella Sanders about the Point in Time Count meeting later in the day.
- Met with Melissa Gomez, M. Ed. SSVF Case Manager at Catholic Charities about veterans’ needs, the Point in Time Count and VPCSC activities.
- Met with Steve Gonzales, VP Marketing & Community/Relations and Owner, Brad Yates of Alpha 1 Drop Zone & presented them with our 1st “Certificate of Affiliation” with the Veteran Providers’ Coalition of Sedgwick County.
- Attended the Point in Time Count planning meeting at United Way. Attendees: Luella Sanders & Kandi Schmidt, Community Impact Associate (United Way), Barbara Hardyway (VBA Regional Office), Aaron Lovelady, SSVF Kansas Peer Mentor & Vickie McDaniel, MA, MSW SSVF Case Manager (Salvation Army), Stacia Lyday, Program Specialist and Brad Webster, Program Specialist (Veterans Upward Bound), Melissa Groneau (VA HUD VASH), Melissa Gomez, M. Ed. SSVF Case Manager (Catholic Charities) , Howard Hutchison & Patty Gnefkow (VPCSC). The 2016 Point in Time Count will be held at Century II, Exhibition Hall on Thursday, January 28 from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.***Any veteran provider who would like to host an information table needs to contact Kandi Schmidt at: or 267-1321.
- HH & PG: Attended homeless veteran providers’ meeting at UMOD with Thom Hamilton & Angie Burnham, Veterans Employment Representatives (Work Force Centers).
- HH visited all five Sedgwick County Commissioners on upcoming Sedgwick County Black Republican Council 6th Annual Awards Banquet which will be hosted on Saturday, December 12 at the Wichita Marriott. HH & PG serve as the Parliamentarian and Secretary, respectively. HH & PG nominated Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation, a member of VPCSC. Cloud 9 was selected by the SCBRC planning committee and will be honored among eight organizations dedicated to the cause of redirecting and lifting up the lives of the youth in our community. Congratulations Cloud 9 and Jamie Wholgemuth!
- Worked on VPCSC website development.
- Scheduled numerous appointments and meetings with veteran providers in the community.
- Toured new Project Independence, Inc. site at 212 S. Hydraulic with Rene Strunk, Executive Director and PI members. Howard is a member of the PI Board of Directors.
- Attended Continuum of Care (COC) annual open community meeting with presentations by Luella Sanders (United Way), Donna Chandler, (Shalom Homes, Inc.), John Dufrain (Absolutely Amazing People’s) & Dr. Robin Walker (Wesley Medical Center, Homeless Respite Care Center for Sedgwick County).
12-9-15 PG & HH:
- PG & HH went to the Cantene Café at the VA for a meeting with the Executive Team of Wichita TEAM RWB but no one from RWB was there…
- Visited with VA representatives: Vicki (Education), Dr. Robert Bean and Lisa Rome (Social Work) about VPCSC activities.
- Toured MHA’s transitional housing for homeless veterans, newly established in downtown Wichita, KS having moved from Newton, KS. MHA staff members were very happy to see us once again as we had been regular visitors in Newton with Vet-to-Vet Compeer Support volunteers.
- HH & PG assisted in compiling information packets at the Wichita Vet Center for their Open House which will be this Friday, 12-11-15.
- Met with members of the Wichita Prairie Pilot Club and discussed 501(c)3 pending application.
- Visited with Pastor Kent, Senior Pastor of First UMC, thanking him for the partnership between the VPCSC & 1st UMC for VPCSC meetings.
12-10-15 Continued efforts on VPCSC website, 501(c)3 and updating website.
PG drafted Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Mr. Howard C. Hutchison, Founder/Convener of VPCSC and the Wichita Vet Center for approval from James Gibson, Team Leader of the Wichita Vet Center and VAMC Regional Office.
HH & PG attended SCBRC 6th annual banquet planning meeting.
12-11-15 HH & PG went to Inter-Faith Ministries and visited with Anne Corriston, Executive Director about the Coalition and asked when would be a good time to present her with their framed “Certificate of Affiliation” appreciation. A stop was also made at COMCARE to ask if/when Marilyn Cook, CEO COMCARE might be available to receive their certificate.
HH visited with Robert J. Dole VAMC Chaplain Larry T. Brooks BCC to confirm he will offer a prayer at the SCBRC banquet on December 12.
HH & PG attended an Open House at the Wichita Vet Center at 251 N. Water from 2:30 – 5 p.m., visiting with various veteran service providers including VA Medical Center Director, Francisco Vazquez, M.B.A., John Orrell, Public Affairs Officer, Robert J. Dole VAMC; Dave Kennedy (VFW State Assistant Service Officer, Dept. of Kansas), James Riley and Thom Hamilton (Kansas Work Force Center), Laura Pfeiffer, RN, BSN, MHCL, Rural Health Program Manager, Robert J. Dole VA; VA staff members, USD 259 Jr. ROTC leader and students.
- HH & PG attended & helped host the SCBRC 6th annual banquet…we are proud that Cloud 9 Therapeutic Equine Foundation – Jamie & Jason Wohlgemuth, Founders were nominated by HH and were recognized and honored. Thank you to Shondella Umeh & Stacia Lyday from Veterans Upward Bound and Donna & Gary Chandler from Shalom Homes, Inc. for attending and supporting Cloud 9 as affiliates of the VPCSC at this special event.
- It was an honor having Robert J. Dole VAMC Chaplain Larry T. Brooks BCC offer the prayer for this special event.
- HH & PG visited with SCBRC banquet guests, including Senator Oletha Faust-Goudeau, District 5 Sedgwick County Commissioner Jim Howell, District 4 Sedgwick County Commissioner Richard Ranzau and 3rd District Sedgwick County Commissioner Karl Peterjohn; Susan Estes – representing Ron Estes, Kansas State Treasurer, Wichita City Council Member Lavonta Williams, Timmy Garvey & Mr. and Mrs. John Garvey of the John K. & Jane M. Garvey Foundation.
12-14-15 HH debriefed nearly 30 U.S. Air Force personnel attending TAP classes at the McConnell Military & Family Readiness Center.
HH met with Dean N. Rhein, Privacy/FOIA Officer, Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center.
HH met with, Patient Advocate, Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center.
- HH attended Community Crisis Center (CCC) Summit at St. Joseph Via Christi, McNamara Room, 3rd Floor with 70 community leaders and representatives. Opening comments were made by Harold Casey, CEO & Executive Director, Substance Abuse Center of Kansas Management. HH met and visited with many attendees, including:
- Marilyn Cook, Executive Director of COMCARE
- Chris West, Service Line Administrator for Via Christi Hospitals Wichita, Inc.
- HH met with Dean N. Rhein, Privacy/FOIA Officer, Robert J. Dole VA
- PG wrote & submitted student evaluation for Neil Fogg, Friends University Graduate Student whose Senior Practicum Project was providing Organizational Development to the VPCSC.
- PG updated VPCSC activities on website & calendar.
- HH went to VA to schedule a meeting with Director Vazquez.
- HH attended Round Table veteran employment meeting at the VA.
- HH & PG facilitated self-help group at Project Independence’s new location: 212 S. Hydraulic from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
- Attended Presidential debate showing at the Warren theater on 13th St., hosted by Bill Warren & Senator Michael O’Donnell (R-Wichita).
12-16-15 PG went by the Salvation Army.
12-17-15 HH & PG:
- Attended the Town Hall meeting at the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center Auditorium, 1 – 3 p.m.
- VA Director Mr. Francisco Vazquez and Hutch visited about the Veteran Providers’ Coalition of Sedgwick County.
- Discussions at the Town Hall meeting were also with veterans and veteran providers included:
- Jenni Harshbarger, ACOS Behavioral Healt
- “J.R. Franklin” – Veteran Advocate
- Dallas L. Love, State Commander, Department of Kansas VFW
- Michael B. Holland, Jr. Vice Commander, Dept. of Kansas
- Charlie Cravens, Post Commander 3rd District Sr. Vice Commander
- David Kennedy – American Legion
- Robert Emmart, LSCSW, Supervisor, Extended Care, Robert J. Dole VAMC
- John Orrell, Public Affairs Officer, Robert J. Dole VAMC
- Timmy Hamilton, Work Force Center – Wichita
- WSU student who is interested in the Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
- Two veterans interested in the Vet-to-Vet Support Command, Inc.
- Met with James Gibson, Team Leader of Wichita Vet Center, re: pending MOU.
12-18-15 HH & PG – Attended Community Crisis Center (CCC) meeting at the CCC. Visited with:
- Marilyn Cook, Executive Director, COMCARE
- Debbie Kennedy, Chief Executive Director of the Wichita Children’s Home and their Open House this weekend.
- Sheila R. Schroeder, LSCSW, Director, Community Support Services, QMHP
- Brian Jarman, LAC, Clinical Care Coordinator of the Substance Abuse Center of Kansas, Inc. (SACK) Residential Services
12-20-15 PG & HH met with Certified Public Accountant regarding 501(c)3 non-profit status application requirements, programming and budgeting.
12-21-15 HH & PG:
- Met with Betsy McCosh, LSCSW, Spinal Cord Coordinator, Robert J. Dole VA.
- Met with Eric Kidwell, Attorney and Counselor at Law, LLC, regarding legal requirements for 501(c)3 non-profit status application. Eric invited Howard and Patty to be guest speakers with a power point presentation at a Wichita Bar Association luncheon on the issues facing veterans and how lawyers and judges can be of service.
- HH put in request to meet with John Orrell, Public Affairs Officer, Robert J. Dole VA.
- Attended grant writing meeting at Project Independence (PI), a consumer-run organization (CRO), with Rene Strunk, Executive Director and Tinna Bendt, Assistant Director. The grant writing team worked on PI’s United Way Letter of Intent (LOI) for 2017 funding proposal. (LOI is not due until March, 2016.)
*Submitted 1023-EZ application form on for 501(c)3 non-profit status for VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND.
12-22-15 HH – United Methodist Open Door Outreach to homeless veterans; met with UMOD staff Andy Mills and Jeremy Kindy, Development Director.
HH met with John Orrell, Public Affairs Officer, Robert J. Dole VAMC to discuss January 22, 2016 VPCSC meeting.
HH & PG:
- Delivered draft of MOU to the Wichita Vet Center, visited with Brad Gifford, Readjustment Counseling Technician.
- Met with two supporters of veteran initiatives.
- Co-led Project Independence “Survivors Life Skills” group.
- Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to Rene Strunk, Executive Director of Project Independence, Inc.
12-23-15 PG met with female veteran in need of support.
HH & PG – Met with a supporter veteran initiatives.
12-28-15 PG & HH – Updated VPCSC flowcharts & website. Planning for next VPCSC meeting.
12-29-15 HH & PG:
- Met with community volunteer who offered to help VPCSC with website enhancement, with top priority on linking each organization’s website to the VPCSC Mission Statement Flow Chart.
- Visited United Way regarding Letter of Intent for 2017 funding consideration.
- Visited Wichita Vet Center to check on pending MOU between WVC & Hutch.
- Presented VPCSC Certificate of Affiliation to Marilyn Cook, Executive Director, COMCARE of Sedgwick County, Wichita’s Community Mental Health Center. Special invitation to attend our next VPCSC meeting.
12-30-15 PG met with a veteran interested in being involved with the VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND initiative.
HH made a visit to the WSU Vet Center, however they are closed for semester/holiday break.
HH & PG personally visited with and delivered invitations for the January 22 VPCSC meeting to:
- Michelle Edwards-Baxter, National Service Officer of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
- David Koopmans and Cloyce Smith, Veterans’ Affairs Representatives, The American Legion.
- David Kennedy, State Assistant Service Officer, Department of Kansas, Veterans of Foreign War (VFW).
- Disabled American Veterans (DAV) staff members and to share information with George Jaso, Supervisor/National Service Officer and Korby Rhodes, National Service Officer.
- Barbara Hardyway, Director of Homeless Services, Wichita VA Regional Office.
- Gene McCreight, AMVETS VA Representative / Wichita TEAM Red, White & Blue (RWB).
- James Riley, Veteran Representative at Workforce Center / Vocational Rehab at VAMC.
PG & HH met with a veteran who is interested in being involved with the VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND initiative.
12-31-15 HH & PG: VPCSC website and VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND marketing / development.
PG met with a female veteran who is interested in being involved with the VET-TO-VET SUPPORT COMMAND (VVSC) initiative.